Fundraising strategies and investment tools - First Young SECA & UCIT Event in Lugano

We invite you to a networking event at the Centro Studi Villa Negroni – one of the main reference partner in Ticino for continuing education in the banking and financial industry. We will have an interesting presentation about the topic of “Fundraising strategies and investment tools“ followed by an Apéro riche where you can share your views with other private equity investors and corporate finance professionals.

Although every business is unique and their fundraising plan will be as well, there are several things that most business should include in their fundraising strategy in order to achieve their goals. That’s because all businesses have similar goals, including connecting with more investors, boosting their investor retention rates, and developing strategic, sustainable partnerships with other organizations.

This event will cover a deep dive in the following: The life cycle of a company and the strategic Partners for growth (Banks and other lenders - Investors in capital - Strategic alliances). Salient aspects to consider for an optimal choice.
Capital raising tools available on the market: Debt financing - Equity fundraising - Convertible loan. Procedures, timing and company presentation documents. The Business Plan as a key communication and business evaluation tool.
Negotiation and closing of the transaction: guarantees, covenants, corporate governance and shareholders' agreements.


Centro Studi Villa Negroni
Via Morosini 1
6943 Vezia
17:15 Uhr


Leading Finance
Vortrag Workshop Präsentation
The Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association (SECA) is the representative body for Switzerland‘s private equity, venture capital and corporate finance industries. Link zur Webseite

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